Yasmeen Qureshi1, Abdullah Dayo2, Mohammad Ali Ghoto3, Shaib Muhammad4, Rafia Tabassum5, Jabbar Abbas6, Jameela Jamali7,. “EVALUATION OF ANTIBIOTICS PRESCRIBED AND DEATH RELATED TO AXPHYSIA IN NEONATESIntroduction: Birth Asphyxia Is Defined As the Condition of Failure to Start Breathing or Unable to Keep Breathing at Birth or Neonatal Period. Very High Death Rate for Neonates”. Journal of Peoples University of Medical & Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS) 10, no. 4 (December 31, 2020): 52–56. Accessed December 4, 2024. http://publication.pumhs.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/85.