Frequency of Fluoroquinolone (Ofloxacin) Resistance In Escherichia Coli Urinary Isolates


  • Shazia Hyder, Samina Baig, Sambreen Zameer, Shaheen Sharafat, Rafique Khanani,Shaheen Akbar Agha, Muhammad Akbar Agha


Keywords:: Fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli, Ofloxacin, Urinary tract infections.


Objectives: To determine the frequency of Escherichia coli and fluoroquinolone Ofloxacin) resistant Escherichia coli isolates from urinary specimen. Study Design: Observational study. Place and Duration: Department of Microbiology, Dow Diagnostic Reference and Research Laboratory, from January to December 2013. Material & Methods: A total of 10753 urine specimen were received and out of them 1778 isolates of Escherichia coli were obtained included in this study. The susceptibility was determined by swabbing the Mueller- Hinton Agar (MHA.) plates using Ofloxacin 5 ja.g disc. Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute (CL I) recommendation, =16 mm zone of inhibition being sensitive, =12 mm as resistant and 13-15 mm as intermediate, were followed in interpreting the results. Results: Out of the 1778 Escherichia coli isolates, 1189 (66.9%)isolates were resistant to Ofloxacin, 570 (32%) were sensitive to Ofloxacin while 1 9( 1 .1°40 were in intermediate range. Conclusion: High prevalence of fluoroquinolone (Ofloxacin) resistance among Escherichia coli in urinary isolates was detected which is alarming. There is an urgent need for regular testing and surveillance for fluoroquinolone resistant producing Escherichia coli. 


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How to Cite

Shazia Hyder, Samina Baig, Sambreen Zameer, Shaheen Sharafat, Rafique Khanani,Shaheen Akbar Agha, Muhammad Akbar Agha. (2014). Frequency of Fluoroquinolone (Ofloxacin) Resistance In Escherichia Coli Urinary Isolates . Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 4(2), 63–67. Retrieved from