Adherence to Topical Antiglaucoma Medications in a Rural Underdeveloped Community


  • Amjad AIi, All Muhammad Abbasi, Khalid Sheikh, Sikartdar Azeem Mirza


Key. Words: Noncompliance, Partial Compliance. Ant iglaucoma Drugs.


Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of noncompliance to antiglaucoma drugs and to figure out the common causes for this nonadherence. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Ophthalmology Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences Hospital, Nawabshah, during January to March 2018. For this purpose. a questionnaire was prepared and filled by the researcher by collecting information from 100 consecutive glaucoma patients already on antiglaucoma medications for at least six months. The data collected was statistically analyzed. Results: Out of 100 patients, 42 patients v, ore found to be noncompliant, 37 were partially compliant and 21 were compliant with medicine. The reason for noncompliance being high cost of medication(36",o), unable to remember th.e dose( 1 8°,-.6). side effects presumed or actual( 17%), Illiteracy and ignorance of disease details(16%). Comorbid systemic disorder(8%). and multidnig regimen and frequency ofdosing(5%). Conclusion: In a poor community, compliance to antiglaucoma medication is very low and directly affected by the financial status of patient. Responsibility of an ophthalmologist does not ends up by prescribing a list of medications to glaucoma patient. He has to consider all the noncompliant factors that can affect that particular patient outcome and ensure the drug adherence by alleviating those factors. 


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How to Cite

Amjad AIi, All Muhammad Abbasi, Khalid Sheikh, Sikartdar Azeem Mirza. (2018). Adherence to Topical Antiglaucoma Medications in a Rural Underdeveloped Community . Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 8(2), 104–109. Retrieved from