Assessment of Common Pathogenic Micro-Organisms in Open Fractures in. a Tertiary Care Hospital Hyderabad


  • Zamir Hussain Tunio, Khaleeque Ahmed Siddiqui, Muhammad Azeem Akhund, Khaliqur-Rahman Shaikh


Key words: Infection, open fracture, micro-organism. status of-wound.


Objectives: To assess the common pathogenic micro-organisms in open fractures in a tertiary care hospital Hyderabad. Design: Prospective, observational study. Duration: July 2007 to June 2008. Setting: Department of Orthopaedic surgery and Traumatology in collaboration with Diagnostic & Research Laboratory Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences Jamshoro/Hyderabad. Patients: Two hundred cases of open fractures were included in this study. Out of these 191(95.5%) were males and 9(4.5"...0) females and all age group with open fractures of appendicular skeletal system arriving within 72 hours. Methodology: Data regarding mode & location of injury was collected on a structured proforma. Four pus swab / specimens were collected for culture & sensitivity, from depth of open fracture wounds by standard techniques using commercially available sterile stick swahsi " sample was predebridment culture, 211`' was post debridment culture after 72 hours of sample. 3rj sample on 7th day & e sample on 1 2th day. Results: Two hundred cases of open fractures were included in this study. Four samples on different occasions of 200 patients were taken in this study to assess the micro-organism. Out ofthese 200 patients, 46(23.0%) cases were positive and 154(77.0%) were negative in the first sample. Forty eight (24.0%) were positive and 152(76.0%) were negative in the second sample. Sixteen (8.0%) were positive and 184(92.0%) were negative in the third sample and 5 (2.5%) were positive and 195(97.5%) were negative in the fourth sample. Conclusion: This study with its enlarged scope of pre debridment and multiple post debridment cultures effectively provides the evidence of Klebsiella, E.coli, staphylococcus aureus and Psendomonas as the most predominant micro organisms. 


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How to Cite

Zamir Hussain Tunio, Khaleeque Ahmed Siddiqui, Muhammad Azeem Akhund, Khaliqur-Rahman Shaikh. (2011). Assessment of Common Pathogenic Micro-Organisms in Open Fractures in. a Tertiary Care Hospital Hyderabad . Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 1(1), 20–26. Retrieved from