Level of Vitamin D3 in Patients suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis.


  • Muhammad Azeem Akhuand', Ashok Kumar Lohana', kishore Kumar Khatri’, Zameer Abbassi‘, Farzana Memon', Ghulam Mustafa Jamali .


Keywords: Osteoarthritis: vitamin D Deficiency. Vitamin D3.


Background: Worldwide decrease in Vit D3 level is major health issue which result multiple health problem because it exerts many eftect oti extrsescal ator system. and also contribute in multiple metabolism like mineral , cartilage etc. $o its deficiency result many degenerative. metabolic and also aufoiinmune disorders. Osteoanhritisis chronic. degenerative. progressi ve infiammaiory disease wfiich resu[Is irre versible disable joint. As its nature is degenerative & progressive so corrirnonly fined in elder peoples either man or women. in ad vance stage due to distraction of cartilage and under line bone joints moments also restricted. Objectives: Aim of this rcscarch i‹i analyse level of 1 -25 dj (OH) Cholecalcilerol Via D 3 in patients with knee osteoarthritis I KOA). establish correlations with laboratory findings. Setting: PUMHS department of' orthopedics and medicine OPD. Duration: 1" June 2017-31" May 2018 Design: cross sectional. Sample size: 200. Materials and 84ethods: 25-OH vitamin D3fD2 levels were assessed in serum samples of 200 padents as folios's: 180 OA patients, and 20 healthy controls. Resets: Total patients of this smdy are 20t1 and controls; ; the mean age of patie fits was fi7.345D+6.2fi }'ears. decrcasod serum vitamin D Ie vel were in 125162,5 No) subjects while sufficient levels u ere i n 75{37.5W) participants of' study. Vitarrfin D level was sufficient in 7 I patients }49 make 22 female) and 4 } 3ma ie I female) controls, ii was insufficient in 106 t73 male 33 temale) patients and 16 I I I male 5 female) controls and deficient in 3 ( 2 male 1 female) patients no control was diffident in our data. Conclusion: We found thai the letels of Vit. D in OA patients littered significant y from the healthy conirois. We could en ggest tHat v itarn*n D supplementation in OA patieru s wouid t›e of t›rnefit for them.



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How to Cite

Muhammad Azeem Akhuand’, Ashok Kumar Lohana’, kishore Kumar Khatri’, Zameer Abbassi‘, Farzana Memon’, Ghulam Mustafa Jamali . (2019). Level of Vitamin D3 in Patients suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis. Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 9(2), 28–37. Retrieved from http://publication.pumhs.edu.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/442