Forensic Analysis of Strangulation and its Association with Hyoid Bone Fractures


  • Pardeep Kumar1, Ejaz Ahmed Awan2, Abdul Samad3, Pushpa Goswami4,


Key words: Forensic medicine, Fractured hyoid bone, Symmetric and asymmetric bones.


Introduction: Strangulation a type of asphyxia that results in neck constriction without suspension of body associated with higher incidence fractures of hyoid bone. Strangulation rate differs in various communities and in various geographic areas. A fractured hyoid bone points out homicidal deaths so it carries a greater significance in forensic medicine as an evidence of strangulation in unnatural deaths as this bone is not fractured normally.

Study Objective: To estimate the frequency of strangulation cases in forensic practice and their association with hyoid bone fractures.

Study design, Setting and duration: Exploratory study conducted over 3 years during 2016-2019 at LUMHS Hospital Jamshoro /Hyderabad.

Methodology: The data of 36 unnatural deaths cases due to strangulation was recorded in the form of proforma. Both male and female gender  cases  were included with age limits of 15 years to 75 years through non-probably sampling. Information regarding biodata, nature, cause and findings were noted in particular hyoid bones were evaluated in terms of symmetry, fusion and fracture. Analysis of data was accomplished using chi-square on SPSS version 22"^.

Results: There were 29(46.03*to) male cases out of which20 (69.0*fo) had hyoid bone fused while 9 (31%) unfused hyoid there were 34(53.97%) female cases 15 (44.1 %) out of which had hyoid bone fused and 19(55.88%) had their hyoid bones unfused(p-value0.003)Fracturcs of hyoid bones were seen in 30(47.65 %) cases and 33 (52.4%) cases had no hyoids bones fractures. H yoid bones were symmetric in 26 cases while asymmetric were found in 37 cases (p value 0.0002).Hanging cases were 25(39.68*/o), garroting cases were 08(12.70%), throttling cases were 9(14.29%) while ligature strangulation cases were 21(33.33%) the difference between fractured and non-fractured cases was significant (p- value 0.01).

Conclusions: There exists significant difference between hyoid bone fractures among various Strangulation modalities, symmetry and fusion of hyoid bones.




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How to Cite

Pardeep Kumar1, Ejaz Ahmed Awan2, Abdul Samad3, Pushpa Goswami4,. (2020). Forensic Analysis of Strangulation and its Association with Hyoid Bone Fractures . Journal of Peoples University of Medical &Amp; Health Sciences Nawabshah. (JPUMHS), 10(2), 37–40. Retrieved from